Brown Creeper
Classification (Certhia americana) is a small songbird and only North American member of the treecreeper family. Adults of the species measure (4.6 and 5.3in) long. They also have long thin bills that have a downward curve, and the males have a bit of a larger bill than the females. Their plumage is mostly brow with white underparts and light spotting that closely resembles tree bark.
Green-tailed Towhee
Classification (Pipilo chlorurus) is small in size yet still a larger member of the American family of sparrows. Adults grow in length to about (6.25in) and are recognizable by their olive colored back and tail.
Hammond's Flycatcher
Classification (Empidonax hammondii) is a small bird that averages in size from (12.5 to 14.5cm). Adults have grayish upper parts on the wing and tail with a white underbelly.
House Wren
Classification (Troglodytes aedon) is a small songbird of the wren family. Adults measure (4.3 to 5.1in) long, have a (5.9in) wingspan and weigh about 0.35 to 0.42oz. Their plumage is a grayish-brown to a more rich brown color depending on the subspecies.
Mountain Chickadee
Classification (Poecile gambeli) is a small songbird of the Paridae family. Adults usually measure about (5 to 6in) and have a wingspan of (7.5in). Their plumage is black-and-white on their head and grey everywhere else. A white stripe over their eyes is what identifies them specifically from other chickadees.
Nashville Warbler
Classification (Oreothlypis ruficapilla) is a small songbird with adults measuring between (10 to 13cm) long. They are recognizable by their olive-brown upperparts, a white belly, yellow throat and breast and have a white eye ring. Males have a grey head and females have a much duller grey differentiating them.
Pine Grosbeak
Classification (Pinicola enucleator) is a large member of the true finch family. It measures from (7.9 to 10in) in length and weigh from (1.8 to 2.80z). Adult males have rose-red colored plumage on their head, back and rump. Females on the other hand have an olive-yellow color on their head and rump with grey on their back and underparts.
Western Scrub-Jay
Classification (Genus Aphelocoma) is a medium-sized bird measuring (11 to 12in) in length, have a wingspan of (15in) and weigh about (2.8oz). Adults have a blue head, wings, and tail, a gray-brown back, and grayish underparts. Their throat is white with a blue necklace.
Wilson's Warbler
Classification (Cardellina pusilla) is a small passerine found through most of the western United States. Adults range in size from (3.9 to 4.7in), a wingspan of (5.5 to 6.7in) and weigh (0.18 to 0.35oz). Their plumage is mostly green and yellow, with males having a black crown patch distinguishing them from the female of the species.
White-headed Woodpecker
Classification (Picoides albolarvatus) is a non-migratory member of the woodpecker family. The bird has a black body averaging (7.9in) in length, a white head and the male of the species have a red spot on its neck.
Nuttall's Woodpecker
Classification (Picoides nuttallii) was named in 1843 after the naturalist Thomas Nuttall. The Nuttall can weigh between (1.1 to 1.6oz) and has an average body length ranging from (6.3 to 7.1in).
Downy Woodpecker
Classification (Picoides pubescens). It is the smallest woodpecker in North America. The species can average (5.5 to 7.1in) in length, have a wingspan of (9.8 to 12.2in) and weigh (0.71 to 1.16oz). They have a mainly black body, white on the on the throat and belly and white spots on the wings.
Hairy Woodpecker
Classification (Picoides villosus). Medium in size the woodpecker measures from (7.1 to 10.2in) in length, a wingspan of (13 to 17in) and weigh between (1.4 to 3.4oz).
Black-backed Woodpecker
Classification (Picoides arcticus) is a medium-sized woodpecker usually averaging (9.1in) in length. They have black plumage on their head, back, wings and rump. White plumage is mostly on their throat and belly.
Lewis's Woodpecker
Classification (Melanerpes lewis) was named for Meriwether Lewis who was an explorer and surveyor of areas bought by the U.S. during the Louisiana Purchase. One of the largest of the North American woodpeckers, they have been measured in size ranging from (10 to 11in) in length. They are red-breasted, grey collared and have a blackish-green plumage.
Acorn Woodpecker
Classification (Melanerpes formicivorus) is a medium sized woodpecker measuring (8.3in) in length and weighing an average (3.0oz). It is believed animator Walter Lantz patterned the laugh of the cartoon character Woody Woodpecker after the Acorn but fashioned the appearance of Woody after the Pileated Woodpecker.
Western Screech-Owl
Classification (Megascops Kennicottii) is a small owl indigenous to North and Central America named after naturalist Robert Kennicott. Length wise they average (8.7in), have a wingspan of (22in) and can weigh between (3.1 to 7.8oz). The females of the species are also larger than the males.
Northern Pygmy Owl
Classification (Glaucidium gnoma) is a small owl native to both North and Central America. Adults of this species usually measure (6in) in length. Their plumage is a brownish-gray in color and have a round white spotted head.
Spotted Owl
Classification (Strix occidentalis) a resident of western North America this owl has an average length of (17 in), a wingspan of (45in) and can weigh up to (21oz).